
Showing posts from February, 2022

Simple Rule To Text Anyone

  22:11 Sun,Feb 27 . I had learned about texting etiquette on 6th EEP class session. There were several things to consider before texting someone. First of all, choose a suitable time. When texting someone we should consider their personal life. The most appropriate time to text is during business hours. Avoid texting during unsociable hours unless it's really urgent. Second, check your recipient. Make sure to check your that you are texting the correct recipient. Be sure your text is appropriate for your audience. Lastly, set your purpose. Be direct and express yourself clearly. Ambiguous text messages can cause miscommunication. Other than that, we also known in using emojis and abbreviations right? Emojis best in describing emotion but not cool when you are being formal especially when texting lecturers. We will look disrecpectful towards them. We should be able to describe the best of us when introducing ourselves.    For example, avoid using emojis in conversation that invol

What's inside my mind today?

  hello everybody! are you doing well? i hope so <3 Cheer up, my friend. It's tough now, but i believe that there is a brighter future waiting for us. You'll get through this.Trust me. πŸ’—πŸ’— As usual there was a task that need to be complete and hand in before 5 p.m. This time students were asked to share our opinion towards other group's work. In addition, we need to find a similar topic from the previous task, which mean the conversation role play video. I found many interesting video and capture each of them. Everyone shows their best impression to make the video real. The skill of editing also great. Bella and I choose a group from course DFE2B. Insyirah's group done a great job during their ideal video production πŸ‘              After that, I read others comment in Miss Hidayah's Padlet. But before that, I think some of you doesn't familiar about this platform. Let's hear my explanation about it. Padlet is a free online tool that is best described

4th weeks video submission

English Enhancement Program (EEP) forth session doing well today. We revise again what we have learned last week. Miss asked us what is the problem in each example of conversation in the slide so that we will not repeat the mistake again. After the class end, students must create a video about the dialogue that had been written in 3rd session. Miss said that we can used another 1 hour of EEP class to finish the video.  Bella and I dress up and wearing a simple make up. This is apparently to boost our confident ahhahahaha😍. We take a couple shoot and the clip are done. As Bella is good in handling gadjet and also a creative person, she offer herself to edit the video. After that  the video are ready to be upload in the YouTube ♥️♥️♥️ So this is the final result of our conversation role play ..please enjoy the videoπŸ€—

Me, my partner and my blog

Hi guys! Do you still remember me? πŸ‘€ I’m here this time to tell you a story about what I am doing last week during my EEP class. Sir Zakri introduces to us about the "Telephone Conversation Role Play”. The task required two students to cooperate together and create a dialogue based on the situation given. The due date is on the next day at 10 a.m. This time the class only took 23 minutes. The class ended after all of the students opening their camera for the attendance. I saw everyone showing their best behavior towards the session on that day.   Now, let's talk about my dialogue task partner. At first, I do not know who I want to do task with but suddenly I think of this one girl who are very sweet hihihiihi. Her name was Nabilah bt Mohd Yusri and I called her as Bella πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’“ btw she is my roommate. I check the document sent by lecturer and knowing that we get situation 3. It's about a lovely customer who order some flowers for her/his parents’ anniversary. I

3rd week submission dialogue

  Situation 3   speaker A - Ainul (customer) you need to telephone a flower shop and order some flowers for your parent's anniversary. They love red roses  and white lilies.You want the flowers to be delivered to their house tomorrow. speaker B - Nabilah ( florist ) You work at Blooming Wonderful, the flower shop. This week, red roses are out of stock but white lilies and other flowers are still available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ainul (customer): Hi, is this a Blooming Wonderful flower shop? Nabilah (florist): Hi, yes it is. May I help you? Ainul (customer): I am looking for a flowers bouquet for my parent's anniversary. Nabilah (florist): What kind of bouquets do your parents like? Ainul (customer): Please show me how many varieties are available in your shop Nabilah (florist): There are three main sets of bouquets that are popular among buyers. May