What's inside my mind today?


hello everybody! are you doing well? i hope so <3 Cheer up, my friend. It's tough now, but i believe that there is a brighter future waiting for us. You'll get through this.Trust me.💗💗

As usual there was a task that need to be complete and hand in before 5 p.m. This time students were asked to share our opinion towards other group's work. In addition, we need to find a similar topic from the previous task, which mean the conversation role play video. I found many interesting video and capture each of them. Everyone shows their best impression to make the video real. The skill of editing also great. Bella and I choose a group from course DFE2B. Insyirah's group done a great job during their ideal video production👏 


         After that, I read others comment in Miss Hidayah's Padlet. But before that, I think some of you doesn't familiar about this platform. Let's hear my explanation about it. Padlet is a free online tool that is best described as an online notice board. Padlet can be used by students and teachers to post notes on a common page. The notes posted by teachers and students can contain links, videos, images and document files. This platform is useful for everyone😊👍Let's back to the story. Each students gave a very positive comment on each video produced. What I amazed the most was the use of words addressed in the comments was simply amazing. I wrote down the new words I found in a notebook so that they could be used later.

That's all for this part and last word from me to all of you is

It's not goodbye but It's see you later❤


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