

  i think it is safe to make friends online if it comes from a legal online platform. and it is unsafe when you are trying from any unlegal website.  the benefits of making friends online are one can befriend people from different states, countries and learn about their culture and lifestyle. Besides, everyone can learn about others more faster online since people are generally more comfortable and find easier to express their opinions and share about their opinions and share about themselves online by typing than talking. Even a shy person can approach others easily online. Last benefits are everyone can take their own time to reply and they can easily stop the conversation if they are not comfortable with the person they are talking to.  next, the potential dangers can get from making friends online are lack of body language can lead to misunderstanding because emoticons don't always help.Then,  To prevent miscommunication one needs to be careful of what they say. Last but not le


 My favourite online communication platform is Whatsapp. This is because the online platform provides a chat room that will remain so that we can look again and re- understand previous attempt without having to worry it will be disappear. Whatsapp also provides emojis and stickers to furthen liven up the trial between two sides. In this app people can also choose wether to chat individually or in groups. Another things I like about Whatsapp is that I can share my daily activities via status. Our privacy will always be guarded because only the contacts we keep can see that status. That's all from me for today, bye!

Hari Raya Holiday!

  I can't wait to go home to celebrate Aidilfitri. This time I will not go home with my parents but instead go home by bus with two more of my friends. The superiors have approved the students to go home starting 28th April at 5pm. Unfortunately, I have bought ticket on 29th April. Most of my friend, lived around here so their parents will take they home right after the class ended.  A little bit sad left alone but thankful to be able to go home after a few months of staying in college. I will start packing two days before the return date to make sure nothing is left behind. I only bring home important things because I don't want to run into time by carrying a lot of bags that can cause me miss the bus. I think it will take about 5 hours from Kuala Kangsar to Kelantan. For your information, i lived in Terengganu but luckless all tickets to Terengganu sold very quickly. So my parents have to come to Kelantan to fetch me. My parents said as long as I arrived safely at Kelanta

My experience during Ramadan

  In a year, there must be one month that M uslims are waiting for, which is the month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings. Muslims learn to control their appetite, drink and so on. In this month, Muslims also establish tarawih prayers. This year I fasted at KKTM Lenggong. This was my first fast away from my family. A new thing but I have to adapt. The first night of Ramadan, the students went to the surau to perform tarawih prayers. The first day of fasting went smoothly. Classes are conducted online to complete unprepared reports. That is the situation every day until the 7th Ramadan. What is most interesting while fasting here is buying food at the kiosk provided by the college. There are various types of delicious food. But for sure you all must buy coffee or chocolate ice blended there. Premium taste at a cheap price. Well worth it guys. Apart from that, on every Tuesday and Thursday, the college has provided public transport, bus for students to take to


  "Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow."-Mahatma Gandhi I have options and freedom to choose what I want to do next in life, probably more now than ever. It may be time to volunteer or intern in the industry. So here my plan after graduating from college.  Upon completion of semester ,  I will go for internship at any suitable company. An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. I am thinking of wanting to apply at a pharmaceutical company like Pharmaniaga or Kotra Pharma (M) Sdn.Bhd. Why I choose this company for internship? It is because this company offer job experience. I can gain valuable exposure to how a business in my chosen fields runs, take part in meetings and perform assigned tasks in a real-world setting . Working as an intern in those company may allow me to meet a potential mentor naturally and establish a relationship that helps guide my career path.  After finished my in

9th session EEP

 Whatever you are, be a good one.        - Abraham Lincoln- During our 9th session of English Enhacement Program, Semester 2 students have learned to compare formal and informal E-mails. The purpose of writing emails are contacting friends, communicating with lecturers and supervivors, requesting for information and applying for interships, job and scholarship. Emails are appropriate  to get in touch with people who can't be contacted through phone or can't physically meet. Below are the difference between formal and informal emails: DHH, DHM and DPM students have being asked to write an email to Mr. Zakri Ahmad, the HR Manager of XYZ Company. Meanwhile, DFE and  DPD students have being asked to write an email to Miss Nor Mohd, the HR Assistant Manager of AZ Company. Each of us would like to apply for an intership position and for the details  of a resume we should include name, current educational qualification and institution, expected graduation date, skills and abilities. 

EEP 8th Session

 " if you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." - Napoleon Hill Feeling down😓? There are a number of simple things that you can do to lift your mood and feel happier. Today, I want to share small things  that you can do every day to improve your mood. Firstly, wake up earlier. Set your alarm to go off 15 minutes before you normally get up. This extra time will enable you to have a more organised and productive day. Make a friend smile.  Making a friend smile is a great way to improve your day. You send them a funny video online or send them a text to see how they are doing. Then, have a quick tidy up.  Clear space, clear mind!  Make some time, even if it’s only for 5 minutes each day to tidy your environment. You can also write a diary entry.  Writing can help you to process your own emotions and feelings. Set a time each day to write these down, and you’ll instantly feel better.  Fifth, s mile at the first stranger you see.  Never underestimate the power